Your Support Matters
When I started working on Mp3tag more than 20 years ago, I loved the idea of creating software and giving back to the community. Over the years, this initial intention hasn't changed. In addition, I've got to know many people from all around the world who enjoy using Mp3tag and get value out of it. This gives me a ton of motivation.
After being in academia, co-founding a company and working there for a while, I went on to be an Indie Software Developer
in autumn 2016.
I create my income from the software I'm creating. What I love about that is that it allows for having long stretches of deep work, having my own schedule, and focusing on a product.
So, I am asking you to download my software, try it, and if you like it and want to be one of Mp3tag's 1000 True Fans1,
please come back and make a donation. Any amount is appreciated!
It is absolutely voluntary — so you won't get less support or restricted versions if you don't.
Thank you!
Support via PayPal
To make a one-time payment with PayPal, you can use your credit card or bank account without the need to open an account. There are no additional costs.

You can also use the PayPal.Me link at PayPal.Me/FlorianHeidenreich to send money — it works with many currencies and is very easy to use.
Monthly Support as Sustaining Patron
Being an Indie Developer can be quite a rollercoaster ride when it comes to the financial side of things. At the same time, I know that there are people out there who care a lot and for whom it’s important that Mp3tag stays around and is continued to be developed.
If you’re one of them, you can support me and my work on Mp3tag with an ongoing donation. You can become a Sustaining Patron with an automatic monthly donation of your choosing:
2. Choose the monthly amount
With your generous support I can continue creating Mp3tag.
Payments are done via Stripe, i.e., I don't see your credit card data.
Need to update or cancel a recurring donation? Here’s how.
Support via bank transfer
You can also show your support by IBAN/BIC bank transfer to:
Florian Heidenreich - Erlenstrasse 18, 01097 Dresden, Germany
Bank: Dresdner Volksbank Raiffeisenbank eG
IBAN: DE84 8509 0000 3602 2010 06
IBAN (without blanks): DE84850900003602201006
1 The notion of 1000 True Fans is a reference to an essay by Kevin Kelly which I love reading from time to time: 1,000 True Fans.